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Novidades do PWI
PWI – Dragon Orb Sale!

This sale will be active starting October 12th at 1:00am Server Time!
Starting Wednesday, Dragon Orbs will be sale for 33% of their normal price, so act now while you can, and read below for more information!
1-Star Dragon Orbs (66% off!) ...
PWI – Hang out with Massively during their Wednesday Livestream at 10am!

This event will take place at 10AM PDT on Archosaur Server on Wednesday October 12th!
Ever wanted to hang out with a video game journalist? Our friends at will be holding a Livestream event for PWI this Wednesday, and they encourage all of you to come join the...
PWI – Countdown Redux

The 9 Trials are coming!
All details, dates, and one more big surprise to be announced next week..
(click the images for a larger version)
Oh and two more things: The 9 Trials are only the...
PWI – True Gem Socket and Battle Pet Packs!

Battle Pet Packs and True Gem Socket Packs will be on sale from October 26th at 1:00AM Server Time until November 2nd at 1:00 AM
Venomancers and merchants rejoice! For the next week, Battle Pet Packs and True Gem Socket Packs will be on a massive 50%...
PWI – The Golden Age of Refining Sale!

This limited-time sale on 1-Star Dragon Orbs has been active since October 12th and shall continue!
All other items in this post will be on sale starting on October 26th at 1:00am and ending on November 2nd at 1:00am server time!
Frighten your friends this...
PWI – Happy Halloween from PWE!

Happy Halloween everybody! Whether you're a Quester, a PVP'er, or a Trick or Treater, we hope that the holiday brings you much Gear, Infamy, and Candy! This year for Halloween, we'll be having a couple of fun in-game events and we'll be debuting a lot of brand new fashion. Read on for...
PWI – Hammers, Reset Notes, and Dragon Orbs!

The sales on Hammers and Reset Notes will be active from November 2nd until November 9th at 1:00am server time!
The sale on 1-star Dragon Orbs began on October 12th and continues to remain active!
In this post:
Reset Notes (50% off)
Perfect Iron Hammer (50%...