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Novidades do PWI

PWI – Anniversary Sales!

PWI – Anniversary Sales!
This sale will last for one week - from August 31st at 1:00am server time, until September 7th at 1:00am server time!   It's our third anniversary, and anniversaries historically have always coincided with pretty awesome sales. Well, this year is no different - for one week only, we are...

It’s PWI’s 3 Year Anniversary!

It’s PWI’s 3 Year Anniversary!
  Oh man, here we are again - another year, another PWI Anniversary!     Yes, it feels like only yesterday when we opened up Heavens Tear and Lost City servers and had the very first GM Meet and Greet event starring Ironman...

PWI – Dragon Orb Mega-Sale!

PWI – Dragon Orb Mega-Sale!
  This sale will be active from September 7th at 1:00am Server Time until September 14th at 1:00am Server Time! For this week only, Dragon Orbs are on sale at their lowest price ever! Read on for more info!   1-Star Dragon Orbs (83% off!)  What do you do when you...

PWI – Introducing the Wildlife Pack!

PWI – Introducing the Wildlife Pack!
This is a limited time 60% off sale and will begin on September 7th at 1:00am server time! Our third anniversary has had everything so far - we've laughed, we've cried, and we've brought out tons of new events and features for everyone to take part in. But...

PWI – Grim Gamble Event this Weekend!

PWI – Grim Gamble Event this Weekend!
The Grim Gamble event will be around for THIS WEEKEND ONLY, starting on Friday at 6:30pm Server Time! It can be completed once per day!   Looking to make a quick...chance box?   The Grim Gamble is a new addition to PWI that starts on Friday at 6:30pm server...

PWI – Introducing Millenial Fashion!

PWI – Introducing Millenial Fashion!
  These past few weeks have been fantastic for PWI fashion (Fashiontastic? No? Let's move on.), and we're not stopping just yet. For the trendy kids out there, we're releasing two slick new fashions - appropriately named the Millenial Set, as they're geared toward the players of the new...

PWI – Expert Refining Sale – Dragon Orb Mirage and Flame!

PWI – Expert Refining Sale – Dragon Orb Mirage and Flame!
These sales will become active on September 14th at 1:00am server time! Edit: *The Mirage/Flame sale ended on September 14th at 11pm PDT*  So you've worked your tail off for the best gear you can possibly get, and now comes the fun part - refining the tar out of it! The sale starting...
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