PWIC This Weekend – Team USA-EU Interview Inside!

PWIC This Weekend – Team USA-EU Interview Inside!

Have no idea what the PWIC is? Click here:

Well, the big weekend is nearly upon us - in only a few short hours our team will be cracking skulls on the other side of the Pacific Ocean! In celebration of this epic event, we wanted to bring you a few goodies in the hopes that you'll all be pulling for our version's team over the next few days.

First up, an all-new PWIC video!:

And now, we thought you might be interested in getting a closer look at the team we're sending. See below for some interesting facts about them followed by a couple of recent practice matches and an illuminating interview with the squad itself.

Player Makeup:

New York (USA)
The Netherlands
Ohio (USA)
Georgia (USA)

From PWI Server: Lost City


QuickClaw – Headed to Beijing
Spliffany - Headed to Beijing

Class Makeup:


Practice Bouts:

Interview: (Interviewees were Susamajii, NyKage, and Spliffany)

Q:  Can you explain the strategy behind your team’s class composition, specifically the use of two Venomancers?

A:  We went with the double Venomancer for two reasons. One, extra Purge (debuff) makes enemies easier to kill, and two, Magic doesn’t miss. The Assassin is there to kill people. Blademaster is there to lock up opposing players. The Barb is there to be annoying.

Q: Who among you is the strongest player?

A: ezehc (known as Cheze on Lost City). Cheze is the best player at any class. He is the best player in PWI.

Q: Really?

A: Cheze is Godlike. Put it this way, someone made a thread for people to name “the best” of each class on Lost City server. Cheze was on there for 3 different classes. He solo’d Harpy before others knew what Harpy was.

Q: How did class restrictions affect your team composition?

A: It didn’t really.

Q: And if there had been no class restrictions?

A: We may have added one more Assassin or Blademaster instead of the 2nd Veno.

Q:  Interesting. I’m sure many players on the forums would think that a 6-Assassin team would have dominated.

A: You can’t have 6 Sins, because you wouldn’t have buffs. Full buffed Rank 9’s don’t die to un-buffed Sins.  

Q:  How do you guys feel about your chances in the tournament?

A:  China seems to be interested in us, so how bad can we really be, to be honest.  We feel like all the versions are the same - only the gear is different. No one has a major advantage over anyone else in this game unless there is something about the game that is unknown to most.

So please wish them luck, and may Pan Gu smile upon them this weekend :)
