PWI – ZEN Charge Rewards are Here (8/17 to 8/24)

PWI – ZEN Charge Rewards are Here (8/17 to 8/24)

This promotion will begin on August 17th at 12:01AM PDT and end on August 23rd at 11:59 PM PDT! Points accumulated will remain valid until August 30th at 11:59 PM PDT!


Looking for some bonus stuff? Well, you're in luck, because for this week's ZEN Charge Rewards promotion, we have two new possible prizes - The cavity-inducingly sweet Pillar pet and incredibly intimidating Cerberus Pup pet! 


And of course, in continuing with the Charge Rewards tradition, we are also offering the two super-exclusive mounts - The eye-catching Crimson Fox and undeniably-impressive Shadow Fox!


How it works:

For every unit of ZEN that you transfer to a PWI server until August 23rd at 11:59pm PDT, your account will receive 1 Bonus Point

*Please note that your ZEN will remain untouched-- these Bonus Points are completely separate from your actual ZEN, so spending the Bonus Points will NOT spend your ZEN. This promotion is purely a bonus promotion.*

Also, please note that your account will not be credited with Bonus Points until the ZEN is actually transferred to a PWI server.


So 1 ZEN = 1 Bonus Point


For this week's ZEN Charge Reward prizes, we've got two amazing mounts and two rare pets. Let's start with the mounts - introducing the Crimson Fox and Shadow Fox!


Crimson Fox (5,000 Bonus Points)



Shadow Fox (15,000 Bonus Points)



And for our two new additions - the Pillar and Cerberus Pup pets!


Pillar (5,000 Bonus Points)




Cerberus Pup (5,000 Bonus Points)



 Warning: These four prizes will be bound to whichever character they are sent to, so choose wisely!

So make sure to check out and don't forget, this promotion ends on the 23rd of August at 11:59pm, and points accumulated will remain valid until August 30th at 11:59pm!