PWI – Reset Note + Pigment Sale

PWI – Reset Note + Pigment Sale

Reset notes will be on sale from September 21st at 1:00am server time until September 28th at 1:00am server time!

Pigments will be on sale from September 21st at 1:00am server time until October 5th at 1:00am server time!

Allocating your five stat points every time you level up is one of the most important things you can do to keep up with monsters and other heroes alike, and few things will set you back like misplaced points. For this reason, Reset Notes are extremely handy to undo any rookie mistakes you might have made. 

Reset Notes have another use as well, and that is to modify your character's play-style. Feel like switching your full Magic Veno to something a little more durable? With Reset Notes you can take points out of Mag and instead put them into Strength and Vitality, giving you a larger HP pool and the ability to wear heavier armor. Tired of tanking on your Barb? Maybe a switch to the fabled "Arcane Barb" is more your style. Actually, forget the Arcane Barb - as cool as it may look, it's not particularly useful. There are, however, far more effective ways to change your character up, so don't be shy, especially this week!


  Basic Reset Note (66% off!)


Reset up to 10 points of one attribute. These points can then be re-allocated as desired. 


  Basic Reset-all Note (66% off!)


Reset up to 5 points of each attibute.  These points can then be re-allocated as desired. 


  Intermediate Reset Note (66% off!)


Reset up to 50 points of one attribute. These points can then be re-allocated as desired.  


  Intermediate Reset-all Note (66% off!)


Reset up to 25 points of each attibute.  These points can then be re-allocated as desired. 


  Advanced Reset Note (66% off!)


Reset up to 200 points of one attribute. These points can then be re-allocated as desired. 



  Advanced Reset-all Note (66% off!)


 Reset up to 100 points of each attibute.  These points can then be re-allocated as desired. 


Pigment Sale


Random Pigments are useful, but they aren't particularly...predictable. When it's time to dye your fashion or dye-able mount, you can save time by buying the exact color you're looking for (assuming that color happens to be black, white, red, or green)!


  Black Pigment


  White Pigment


  Red Pigment


  Green Pigment 


To view/purchase items in the PWI Boutique, press the "O" (oh) key while in-game!