PWI – Platinum Charm Sale!

PWI – Platinum Charm Sale!

This sale is active beginning October 5th at 1:00am Server Time!


To help all of you survive as the weather gets chillier around us, we're having a sale on powerful items that are useful to any character - Platinum Charms!


   Platinum Guardian Charm (50% off!)

  Platinum Spirit Charm (50% off!)


Want to be able to tank, heal, or grind more efficiently? Charms are some of the most useful items that you will encounter in all of PWI! Each Charm has a "reservoir" of either HP or MP, and it draws from this reservoir to replenish your character's HP or MP bars. Guardian Charms replenish your HP bar to 100% anytime it falls below 50% (10 second cooldown). Spirit Charms replenish your MP bar  to 100% anytime it falls below 75% (5 second cooldown)


To view/purchase items from the PWI Boutique, press the "O" (oh) key! 

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