PWI – General Summer’s Sale

This sale will begin on July 27th at 1:00 AM Server Time, and end on August 17th at 1:00AM Server Time!
Note: Earthguard cannot yet obtain full Rank 9 gear - Please keep this in mind, and know that they will have the capability in the future!
Wraiths don't sleep, and to counter this, the members of the allied races of Perfect World must be as well geared as possible. To this end, for the next three weeks, we will be offering some very powerful items to the PWI Boutique-- items that should bolster the ranks of the allied legions.
These newly-available items are:
Mysterious Chips Pack (Sold in packs of 10, you can buy either 50 or 100 of these packs, meaning a total of either 500 or 1000 chips per purchase)
Mysterious Chips can be turned in for various items at multiple NPC's, including the Mysterious Merchant (131 861) in Thousand Streams and General Summer (521 629) in Archosaur!
Tip: Don't want to open one pack at a time? For easy opening of your 50/100 packs, head on over to the Mysterious Merchant (131 861). He has two quests for opening these specific packs, so with a few clicks, you can obtain 500/1000 chips instantly!
Wraith Officer's Badge (Available in quantities of 10, and 50)
These badges can be turned in at the Commander-in-Chief (521 626) for 25 Reputation. Raise your rep to gain access to special rank gear!
Medal of Glory (Available in quantities of 1 and 5)
These medals are a major piece of the puzzle for attaining Rank IX Gear, which is some of the best gear in all Perfect World!
Note: Earthguard cannot yet obtain full Rank 9 gear - Please keep this in mind, and know that they will have the capability in the future!
These three items, when used together, are instrumental in obtaining some of the most powerful armor and weapons known to man (and Winged Elves, Untamed, and Tideborn).
If you have these three items in hand, as well as a desire to travel down the path of the legend-- the path that will ultimately lead to the ultimate power, Rank 9 gear, then follow the steps below:
1. First thing's first, you need Reputation-- 300,000 to be exact, and this is where the Wraith's Officer's Badges come into play. Head over to the Commander-in-Chief to turn in the badges.
2. Got the rep? Good; next up, you'll need 32 General Summer's Tokens for the first piece of the set-- The Ring of Trauma. Until you obtain this ring, you cannot get any other piece of the Rank 9 set. General Summer's Tokens are obtained by trading Mysterious Chips to the General himself in Archosaur (521 629). Each of his tokens can be traded for with exactly 9,999 Mysterious Chips.
3. For the third and final piece of the puzzle-- Medals of Glory. For each piece of the Rank 9 set, you will need a certain number of these items. For the first piece-- the Ring of Trauma, you'll need 3 of them. Once you've got them, head on back to the Commander-in-Chief.
4. And now for the last step: Once at the Commander-in-Chief, turn in your 32 General Summer's Tokens and 3 Medals of Glory for your first piece of the set, the Ring of Trauma. Keep in mind that, as you obtain more and more of the main pieces of the Rank 9 set, you'll also be activating very powerful set bonuses that will set you apart from other heroes, and bring tremors to the Wraiths' hearts (you know, if they had them).
Once you've completed the set, you will certainly look the part of a true hero.. but then the real question is: Can you take this equipment and truly become legendary? Only time will tell...
To view/purchase items in the Boutique, press the "O" (oh) key.