PWI – General Summer’s Sale

PWI – General Summer’s Sale

This sale will begin on February 2nd at 1:00 AM Server Time, and end on March 1st at 1:00AM Server Time!

Wraiths don't sleep, and to counter this, the members of the allied races of Perfect World must be as well geared as possible. To this end, for the month of February, we will be offering some items that should bolster the ranks of the allied legions.

These items are:


 mysterious1  Mysterious Chips Pack (Sold in batches of 25. There are 15 Mysterious Chips per pack, so it comes out to 375 Chips per purchase)

Mysterious Chips can be turned in for various items at multiple NPC's, including the Mysterious Merchant (131 861) in Thousand Streams and General Summer (521 629) in Archosaur!


badge1   Wraith Officer's Badge (Available in quantities of 10 and 50)

These badges can be turned in at the Commander-in-Chief (521 626) for 25 Reputation. Raise your rep to gain access to special rank gear! 


hyperexp   Hyper EXP Stones (37% off!)

Whether you're looking to catch up to your guildies or out-level your friends, Hyper EXP Stones have you covered! These items will be sold at a reduced price for the next three weeks, so there is no better time to stock up on what is currently the best way to speed up your leveling!

For a full, player-made guide on Hyper EXP Stones, please check here.

So get ranked, leveled, and geared, for the enemy will be doing the same...

To view/purchase items in the PWI Boutique, press the "O" (oh) key!