PWI – Faction Trials Spotlight Contest Winner – Trial of Balance

PWI – Faction Trials Spotlight Contest Winner – Trial of Balance


As you likely remember from our Faction Trials Spotlight Contest, we were looking for a video -- a video that contained all of the elements of that any video game walkthrough should contain. 


Well, we've found our video. Sympathi, the eloquent Seeker from Archosaur server has provided us with a well done, entertaining entry for our contest, and for that he should be commended. Not only is he helping other guilds to complete this first step of nine, his victory also earned his server a full weekend of 2x EXP/Drops/Spirit.


So let it be known that the first-ever winner of the Faction Spotlight Contest is part of faction "Nemesis" on Archosaur server!

Thanks everyone for participating!
