PWI – Contest: Re-Score the Genesis Expansion Trailer!

PWI – Contest: Re-Score the Genesis Expansion Trailer!


All entries must be uploaded by 5pm PST on Tuesday, January 25th 2011!

You guys remember the slick, new Genesis Expansion CG trailer right? Well, for our next community event, we want YOU to re-score it. That is, we want you to take this trailer and add whatever music and sound that you like!

Here is the original trailer:

Pretty nice, right? We feel that such an epic trailer as this should not be pigeon-holed into having just one musical background to it. There is a lot of emotional potential within it, and different genres of music could very well unlock all of the feelings that are hidden within its many layers of beautifully rendered story-telling.

The Prize

Our 5 favorite entries will earn their creators his or her choice of either the Cursed Tiger Demon or Divine Tiger Sage mount!

Cursed Tiger Demon



Divine Tiger Sage


So here's what you need to do:

1. Download the trailer. This version of the trailer has had the music track completely stripped, leaving only the sound effects. We're offering the trailer in two file-types, .WMV and .MOV. Windows users may want to stick with the .wmv, and Mac users would probably prefer .mov


.WMV download

.MOV download


2. Add music. You'll have to use movie editing software for this. There is free software available, like Windows Movie Maker and Apple iMovie. You may use any number of different songs throughout the trailer. Add your own sound effects too if you like!


3. Upload your newly modified trailer to YouTube! Be aware of the risk of using licensed music. To minimize the risk of having your video taken down or your YouTube account disabled, you may want to try using AudioSwap, a service that lets you use certain licensed songs for free in your YouTube video. To use AudioSwap, simply click the "AudioSwap" tab when uploading your video. If you do end up having your video taken down, you can also try posting it to a different video site, like Vimeo.  

Also, please put your character name and server in either the title or the description of your video.


4. Email us at! Make sure to send a link to your video!


The Rules

You may use any kind of music you like, even multiple songs. Original music is very much encouraged, but not required. 

Your entry will be judged on Tempo, Pacing, Creativity,  Enjoyability, Relationship to What's Happening On The Screen, and Emotional Content (and anything else we can think of)

The video trailer's visual portion cannot be edited (for example, you cant cut out pieces of the trailer and re-arrange them) 

You can use any kind of video editing software you like

You must send an email to with a link to your video. Send us your character name and server in this email as well.

You can enter as many times as you wish.

 All entries must be uploaded by 5pm PST on Tuesday, January 25th 2011!

Good luck, and lets see what you can do!

-PWE Staff