PWI – Comic Contest Winners!

PWI – Comic Contest Winners!


This is it. After a near-two month process of creativity, technical difficulties, and judging, we are pleased to finally be able to bring you the winners of the first-ever PWI Comic Contest!


We had a really great turnout - over 100 entries - most of which can be seen at our Fan Content Page


Remember, each of our winners will be receiving the dangerous, flammable, and now completely dye-able Chronobike!


And now, without further ado, our winners!


 Shadave - Heavens Tear

 Aarty - Heavens Tear

Melcaia - Raging Tide


Beeper - Raging Tide

 Grats to our winners, you've made us all proud to be part of PWI :)

 And we'd also like to thank everyone who participated in this creative event - due to the great amount of enthusiasm, we will definitely run it again in the future.

 Take care of each other!

-PWE Staff