PWI – A Week Away Sale!

PWI – A Week Away Sale!

This sale will be active from February 23rd at 1:00AM Server Time until March 2nd at 1:00AM Server Time! 

As you all know, Genesis is just around the corner, so we're unveiling a brand new sale, one that will get you and your new Seekers and Mystics all set up for the adventures to come! Enjoy the perks of expanded bags and stashes, gain the ability to easily transfer items between characters, and sear every single world waypoint into their memories!

Super Inventory Stone  Super Inventory Stone (50% off!)

Like a standard Inventory Extension Stone, but on steroids, and without the side-effects. This badboy will max out your inventory (at 64 slots), allowing you to quest and grind for longer and more efficiently. To use, talk to the Inventory Master NPC located at all main cities.

 Super Safe Stone  Super Safe Stone (50% off!)

Do you have lots of crafting materials, gems, and other miscellaneous items? Maybe you keep different sets of armor for different play-styles, or for other, rising toons? For cases like these, the Super Safe Stone can be a god-send, raising your Safe's capacity to a cavernous 80 slots. To use, talk to the Inventory Master NPC located at all main cities.

   Account Stash Stone (50% off)

Does your main character have bound items that you wish you could transfer to an alt character on the same account and server? Well, you're problems are over, my friend, as the account stash stone is exactly what you're looking for. This great item will grant you 16 slots at the Banker which can be used to transfer items from one character to another. Note: Be advised, some items acquired through the Dragon Points system cannot be transferred through the Account Stash.

   Geographic Map (50% off)

Did you ever want to be able to flash to any waypoint on the entire map? By using the Geographic Map, your character will immediately learn every single waypoint there is, allowing him to teleport instantly to any of them by via either the Teleport Master or a Teleport Stone! Need to turn in a quest? Done! Help a friend in need? Done! Creep out that venomancer you just met? Done!