Nova Instância de Morai - Universo Infinito (em inglês)

(para os que não conseguem ler em inglês, sugiro o tópico traduzido) - Um vídeo de instância encontra-se disponível no final da matéria.

This is the new instance inside Morai. This is a ONCE a day instance.

Requirements: You must enter Morai, and complete the complete list of YELLOW Legendary quests. If you're having problems finding them, check your Available Quests section of your Quest Log.
Upon completion of the last quest on the chain, you will be asked to visit the Elder of 1000 Streams. When you do, be sure to pick up the Purple quest from him. Reenter Morai and follow it's chain. It will bring you to the entrance NPC of the new instance, known as "Endless Universe". Be sure to have "[Tuc Su Toxin]" in your inventory.
Note: Do NOT enter the instance until you have assembled a squad for this. You're allowed to enter once per day, and you will forfeit your daily if you leave after entering once.

Squad Requirements: The minimum squad is 8 members, with a max of 10! For a complete 10 man Rainbow Squad, a special buff is awarded to the party (not sure what this is as of yet). Casters and Melee characters both play important roles in this instance. Be sure to have a few of each on hand for the specific lanes as well as the bosses.

Note: Everyone in the party must have the [Tuc Su Toxin] item in their inventory and have completed the same initial requirement of the Yellow Legendary quest chain as stated above.

Once the squad is assembled, have everyone enter. The Leader of the party should speak to the NPC on the left (Wade).
You will all see quests pop up then complete for amount of people, etc.
Once the leader has started, everyone will see a Quest flag pop up above Wade's head.

Each person in the squad is free to choose one of the quests. Lanes are according to the Greek Alphabet. Please choose wisely, and take the following lane advisories into precaution:

Alpha: Flying mobs. A ranged DD would be proper here.
Beta: The debuffing balls of light Purge. So someone who can stand to be non-buffed.
Gamma: Speed debuff.
Epsilon: Stacking DoT mobs that will end up dealing 40k+ dmg within 5 seconds. Sin is recommended for this (as they have unlimited chi) for 3 Spark Purify.
Zeta: Magical Immune mobs. Melee/Physical class required.
Eta: Physical Immune mobs. Magic/Caster class required.
Theta: Phys atatck and ranging mobs. Mana drain debuff from balls.

Lane Assistants
Eternity: Do not choose this quest unless your squad has 9-10 people.
Creation: Do not choose this quest unless your squad has 9-10 people.
Note: Suggested class is cleric, so that they can res the people who die on their lanes, avoiding Release Corpse, since that will fail their lane, and the quest and you must start over.

LANE ASSISTANT JOB You are free to run around anywhere in this instance to assist the lanes in DD/res/whatever else. Alpha begins directly to the left of the start area. Again, only in the case of 9-10 person squads.

Once you have chosen your lane, you are now free to dig your required Gem. See screenshot.

Once you dig your gem, you will be teleported to your start area, inside what seems to be a jail cell, next to a Mirror of Eternity NPC. DO NOT MOVE FROM THIS AREA. (It has been found you are free to advance forward in your area, but do NOT run backwards into someone elses zone) Doing so will cause the quest to fail , and you will have to all jump off the sides, return to start, and reinitiate the process.

Note: It is suggested that you do not dig your gem until the person who is before you in the chain has reached your NPC, and lit your mirror. This is to avoid confusion and people leaving their zones and forcing the quest to fail.

The person that chose the Alpha quest will be the first to run in the "relay race". Speak to the NPC you arrive at, then run in the direction of the arrows on the ground. You are free to kill the mobs along the way, but the mobs quest is not required. (They provide an attack buff after turning in 3 of their drops).
There are rows of red balls of light that will debuff you along the way. Please see reference above for yours.
Note: Sins should use Tidal Protection, and all other classes their appropriate anti-debuff skills/pots/etc.
If the debuff is not posted above, please be sure to let us know what debuff this is you found, and I will update the guide.

Continue running until you reach the next Mirror of Eternity NPC, and pass it your "torch" (turn in quest) Alpha run to Beta, Beta to Gamma, etc. Once you have done so, do not advance further into someone elses zone, but you are free to turn back in your own and kill remaining mobs. Leaving your zone will cause the quest to fail.

People who are waiting for your Mirror to be lit: Once yours has been lit, you are free to advance and continue the chain.

Once the last person has reached the end and landed the torch to the NPC (This will be Theta), all mobs still on the routes will disappear. Jump off the ledge and return to the start.

Once everyone has reassembled at the Start area, the Leader of the party should speak to the NPC on the right, and begin the boss quest. Everyone will receive purple quests to retrieve 3 Essences from the bosses.

Cross the bridge to the first island where your first boss will be. Squishies should stay back, he has an AoE. Melee characters will also be hit by a close range aoe that pushes you back. You should try and position the boss near the center, or stay with your back to a decent sized area, as he can push you off the island, return you to start or land on a lower island filled with mobs.

The second boss will be on the island across the bridge to the immediate right. If you do not kill her within a moderate amount of time, she will split herself into 3. Two of them are fakes, and do not respond naturally to damage. Concentrate all of your DD onto the real one, and kill as fast as possible. If you concentrate too much on the fakes, they will switch to new duplicates and the real boss will reset.

The third and final boss is a flying bird that does not respond to any sort of aggroing. Casters, this is your time to shine. Position your squad in between the two pillars at the top above the pool of water. The boss makes a run in a figure 8, and will spend extra time around these towers, allowing your casters/ranged characters to DD the boss.
He will spawn fire across this entire island. Fire will do 500 dmg per second (and will DoT you if you are caught and run out of it). Between these two pillars, as well as anywhere in the waterfall at the bottom of the island, or the center lake, are the only places that the fire does NOT penetrate, and your squad should be safe. This boss spawns adds at random intervals, and will attack anyone trying to aggro the boss. Melee'ers should keep their casters/Ranged DD safe and tank the adds.
At 60% HP the boss will advise in Red Spam that you it is going to land! He will also reset HP. This is when you are free to grab the boss via aggro and pull it down, and allow your melee/APS DD to wreak havoc.

Note: This boss has a random chance to teleport a couple of your squad members to one of the lower islands filled with its adds. Jump off the side, return to start, then cross the bridges and rejoin your squad.


All bosses dropped random 1*-3* items.

Once the last boss is dead, do not leave! Have everyone jump off the side and return to the start area. The leader of the squad can now accept the reward quest from the NPC's. This will consume the [Sun Tu Toxin] in everyone's inventory... and give them all a random item:

Inconsistent Chest
Activate Task: Endless Universe Chest

1x Endless: Weapon Card (3%)
1x Endless: Armor Card (17%)
20x Mirage Celestone (75%)
1x Old Book Page (5%)

Armor/Wep cards exchangeable for G13 gear.

Now you are free to leave the instance, and return to the Elder of 1000 Streams for an XP reward.
360k XP/appropriate spirit.

Special thanks to everyone who did some experimenting in this new instance and reported back their findings and suggestions. I've tried to include a lot of your information. I'm not gonna name drop, just look thru the thread. :)